Mr Spicy took the afternoon off so he would be with me when we got the beta results and while he was on his way home, I finally gave into the urge to pee on a stick. But I couldn't look at it. I made him go in the bathroom and look at it first. When he showed me the two lines, I could NOT believe it. I have NEVER seen TWO LINES!!!!! So we did another regular test and the one digital I had (given to me by a friend, leftover from her positive results). And, can see for yourself. Wow. Seriously. Wow.
Then, our nurse, Amber called. She got us both on the phone and let us know that our beta number was great, very strong, at 197. Of course, I still have to go back on Thursday for the 2nd beta to make sure it is doubling as it should. So, I haven't completely exhaled just yet.
I will be starting Prometrium vaginal suppositories today and we'll get my progesterone results tomorrow (they don't run the progesterone test until they get a positive - so it wasn't run until this afternoon). I will go in Thu, then Monday to recheck hormone levels, and then our ultrasound will be either the 22nd or the 23rd. Again, wow.
Seriously. Is this really happening? I am in complete and utter shock! I literally cannot wrap my brain around this!!!!! I feel totally clueless now about being pregnant. I was literally in the midst of making myself a sandwich - you know, forbidden lunch meat and all - when Amber called. I had completely forgotten that lunch meat was off limits during pregnancy. Now I am terrified I am unwittingly doing any number of other idiotic anti-pregnancy things I am not even aware of! Yikes!
When we first began trying 2 and a half years ago, I was reading pregnancy books and websites like crazy - but as we neared a year of trying I put those books and websites away and began devouring infertility literature, and websites, and blogs. So now, I feel completely ignorant of what I am supposed to do or not do..... Oh well, just more for me to learn and obsess about and research. :)
I am so excited and so in shock I don't even have words to describe it. We have waited so so long for this. I cannot believe we are here. We are going to be parents. In a way, we already are.
Thank you to EVERYONE - all of you who emailed, commented, called, to wish us well, to let us know you were praying, that you were holding out hope for us. It is no small thing. And I have no words to thank you adequately. But thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I have been listening to "Sweet Sweet Baby" By Michelle Featherstone all day but cannot figure out how to get the song here to share with you.
I already love this baby (or babies) so much. I already feel like my entire heart is on the line - out there for all the world to see. I have never known a vulnerability quite like this.
I have never known a joy quite like this either.
Welcome little pepper(s), welcome.
We are so happy you have come, we cannot wait to meet you.
You are wanted and loved.
You always have been - you always will be.
I have goose bumps reading this post.
I am so excited for you! What great news.
Which pepper names are still in the running?
GAAAAAAAHHHHH! I'm so happy for you. No, not happy. Thrilled! Over the moon! Ecstatic! Overjoyed!
This is such wonderful news. May this be the first of many bits of good news to come your way over the next weeks, months, and years.
And could you send me some of your powerful baby mojo in a couple weeks? My mind is taking this as another positive sign for me to get pregnant this month. Crazy? Yes. But fun? Definitely yes.
What fabulous news! Yay! I am so happy! What a great beta too!
I am so happy for you and I just love the coveted digital "pregnant"!
This is awesome, fabulous, wonderful news!! I am so, so HAPPY for you both. You have some major celebrating to do. =)
Yeah! Congrats!
I LOVED reading your post! Congrats! YAY!
thank you so much everyone!
Lori - I think we're still leaning towards Poblano and Serano, but we have to wait a couple of weeks before we'll know if there is 1 or 2 so in the meantime, I've just been calling 'em peppers or pepper sprouts. :)
Any clever ideas?
Amazing news. Your wait is over and yes, you already are parents! You deserve this and hopefully will soon be able to exhale. Now go start reading the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and enjoy every moment!
i don't know if mine posted...anyway, you don't know me, but I am a friend of Denise - great news, I am most excited for you, mr. spicy and Poblano and Serano!
Thank goodness!!! We all needed some good news!!! I am so thrilled for you!!
Congratulation!!! I am so excited for you. Keep the good news coming!
WOW! I love it. It's so great to get good news, i hope you're starting a trend among all those colo ladies out there.
Yea! Thank you God for an answered prayer! I'm very happy for you and Mr. Spicy.
lol. I had to laugh about the lunchmeat. Lunchmeat was totally cool during my first pregnancy and then suddenly off limits during my second.
Just use your brain. If it's fresh food, you'll be fine. Don't think of it as an all or nothing thing. Sure, Listeria is SUPER bad for a pregnant woman to get but you can be in control of your food and know that something is fine.
But then again, I know how you are and I know you will follow things to a T!
well nancy - you know I must be the valedictorian of EVERYTHING! :)
Congratulations! I'm finally catching up on other people's blogs. Thanks so much for commenting on mine. Here's wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
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